Wednesday, September 22, 2010

New iMac: The Glory, The Story, and The Truth

About a month ago, I upgraded to a new iMac system. Got the whole nine yards - 21" screen (no 27" unfortunately), 3.2 GHz Intel i3 processor, 4 GB of RAM and 1 TB hard drive. The thing runs as smooth as silk, and along with my 24" Dell G2410 secondary monitor, I have quite a lot of screen real estate, which is perfect for what I do.

Now, when I unboxed the new computer, I was excited to try the new Magic Mouse. This thing rocks. End of story.

My only, however slight gripe, is this wireless keyboard. My hands feel cramped typing on it; like I'm typing on a laptop (which is probably what Apple was going for)! No number pad on the far right, so when typing in numerics from time to time, I forget and my right hand subconsciously drifts to the right, only to find nothing but emptiness. Everything just feels sort of squished.

Now, don't get me wrong, I still really do dig this keyboard for several reasons. The wireless aspect is great. I like being able to adjust and move and showoff with it as much you could imagine. Plus, being somewhat compulsive, I like a clean workspace. I also like the silent typing. As I sit here and type this lovely little blog, the soft 'tap tap click click' of the keys is rather comforting to hear. And the design is really slick. It's nice to feel and look like a professional.

So in all, I'd give this keyboard about a B+. Considering that I don't do many numerical-type typing, it doesn't bother me so much, and it just comes off as a small inconvenience. I'd definitely recommend it to anyone who's thinking of buying a new iMac system. Just hope you don't mind feeling emasculated a little, if you're male that is.

Be well.

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