In the words of underground art-rock band
Dredg "Look another year went by; They keep passing by." 2012 is upon us and most people in the industry (digital, printing, marketing, etc.) have greeted it with nothing but sheer optimism, Printed Specialties being no exception. Looking back on the whole, 2011 had a general bleak outlook on it - what with oil spills, job losses, political scandals, war. This time around the main view for the new year is that of hope and (real) change for once.
Let's do this, New Year. |
Printed Specialties has big plans coming up. Implementation of our Digital Press, scoring more record months in sales and production, optimizing workflows, and perhaps a newly revamped and updated website to boot in the near future. 2012 is looking mighty promising for the crew here, and can't wait to make big things happen.
I hope everyone's year is off to a great start, and wish the best of luck in all you do.
Be well,
P.S. Call it naivety, but I consider it a great start to the year when
Van Halen gets back together and plays a show that rocks everyone's socks off.
Image: dream designs /
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